Winners - 2006

Our showteam of 2006 was...


SU(u)Ch NUCH NV-05 EUVW-06
Manaca's Yours Sincerely


Born: 97-12-26
by: MultiCh WW Northworth Madmans Return
ex: Ch Manaca's Dancin´With the Blues

Walter kept up his winning strike this year aswell, with many BOBs, and BIS placements.
Photo is from Motala in february where he was  BIS-2 veteran!
At the European winner show he was BOB veteran and BIS-2 and got the title EUVW-06!!
Again he became top winning veteran of the year and also Runner up cocker of the year!


Manaca's Rain or Shine


born: 2003-05-17
by: Northworth A True Ashgrove
ex: Ch Manaca's Alice in Chains

Claras had a good year... placed every time in best bitch class and on the 3:rd show of the year she got her last CAC and became champion!
Photo is from that monent, SSRK Motala in february.
She was at one show in Norway where she was BOS and got the CAC wich made her Norwegian champion!!
She also got her tracking champion title during the year.

foto: Manacas    


Manaca's Main Attraction


born: 2002-02-26
by: Ch Manaca's Yours Sincerely
x: Ch Manaca's Alice in Chains

Greta who was home the greater part of the year was shown in Germany where she was BOS with both the CAC and anwarschaft!! This only 12 weeks after giving birth to 5 pups!! The weekend after she was BOB with CACIB at Högbo International!!
She also got her tracking champion title during the year.



Almanza Hit the Road Jack


e: Ch SV-03 Manaca's On the Road
u: Whoops A Daisy

Ragnars made a good start to shows in Sweden. He has several CK,s and 1 CAC and.  He has attended shows with me during spring-06 and then went back to Finland as a consistant winner, what about BOB and Groupwin!!

foto: Manacas



Manaca's Undesingned Dream


by: Ch Quettadene Lancelot
ex: Ch Manaca's In Your Dream

Sonja got her last CAC from her first show this year, in february, only 6 days after her second birthday!!
She spent most of 2006 at home nursing her first litter, and the first time out after that she became norwegian champion and Nordic winner-06!!
She also got her tracking champion title during the year.



Manaca's Bag of Beans


by: Ch Travis Vital Spark
x: Ch Manaca's Rain or Shine

Josåfin entered the juniorclass in style by getting the juniortitle at the European winner show-06!! She has already 3 CACs and 1 BOS from juniorclass!!
She also got her tracking champion title during the year.

photo: Manacas



Manaca's Cutting Corners

by: Ch Eisbär vom Schloss Hellenstein
x: Ch Manaca's Alice in Chains

Magnus has been out twice this year in puppyclass. First time he was 3:rd amongst 9 boypups and at his second show he was BOS puppy!
The second time out in juniorclass he was BOS amongst 126 cockers entered!!

photo: Manacas



Très Cocquette vom Schloss Hellenstein

by: Hänshenklein vom Schloss Hellenstein
x: Kolbenmaus vom Schloss Hellenstein

Rebecka who came home to us in July, has already made us proud by becoming BPIS at her first show and the second time out she was BOS amongst 39 cocker pups!!
in juniorclass she has been a consistant winner and gained 3 CAC's with BOB and BOG-4 and once BOS!



Manaca's Cross Country

by: Ch Eisbär vom Schloss Hellenstein
x: Ch Manaca's Alice in Chains

Malena also made a careful start in puppyclass where she was paced 2:nd amongst 16 bitchpuppies.
She has been competing in juniorclass a few times during the year and has gained 1 CAC !!
She also got her tracking champion title during the year.

photo: Manacas


Copyright©Manacas-2003    updated:2010-05-20