SU(u)CH NUCH ESTCH JEUW-06 SVCH Manaca's Bag of Beans
born: 2005-06-28
Hips: B, eyes clear, optigene: normal/clear
Qualified to Cruft's !!
23 months old
Here she is 2 years old and has become BOB and gained her Norwegian
I decided, the moment I held little Josofin in my hands, that she was going to stay with us. And I have never at one moment, changed my mind. She is incrediably mild and easy and she's not afraid of anything (or just maybe bees now a days.. see photo below).
She made her showdebut at only 4 months and 1 day by becoming Best Puppy In Show!! She had never walked in a leach before and yet she went around in the ring like she's never done anything else... wagging her tail every second. What might become of this little girl...
Her second time out resulted in BPIS-3 and the last time in puppyclass she was BPIS again!!
She became European junior winner in Helsinki - 2006!!!She is one of the first cockers from Scandinavia to be shown at Cruft's, where you need a qualification to enter. Both she and her brother got a card, Josofin at 3:rd and her brother Colin at second place in yearlingclass!!där det krävs kvalificering för att få deltaga.
Her words from judge Mr John Gillespie: 3: Forsanders Manaca's Bag of Beans; Sparkling type of orange roan, she really deserved her place. Sound happy mover, very nice type.
She got 7 Swedish CAC's and gained her championtitle only a few days after her second birthday! Only 3 months after she also gained the Norwegian champiotitle. She also finished her trackingchampion title without any affort, she is truly a natural in tracking, just like her mother!
She has had her first litter of pups by our Magnus - Manaca's Cutting Corners. Here we present one of the pups - "Sven"- Manaca's Needs No Introduction >>> who is co-owned by the kennels Allways & Caperhill in FinlandShe was BOS and got the CAC at her first visit in Estonia, wich made her Estonian show champion!!
Here Josofin becomes BPIS
Here she becomes European Junior Winner-2006 in Helsinki under Mr Paul Stanton!!
and here she get's a yellow card at Cruft's 2007 under Mr John Gillespie!
Watch Josofin grow...
3 weeks
4,5 week
6 weeks
8 weeks
3 months
4 months
8 months
10 months
Josofin 5 weeks old with her teddybear
posing in the grass, 7 w. old
...beestang in the lip
(3 months)
Fader/Sire: NuCh DeCh SU(u)Ch
Travis Vital Spark
(blue roan)NUCH
Tomboys Tailor Made
Tomboys Try To NightSUCH
Tomboys Brown Betty BoopTravis Neon Light
(black & tan)SV-89
Leavenworth It S A Pleasure
(red)SV-92 Travis Fool's Game
(blr)Moder/Dam: SU(u)CH NUCH SVCH
Manaca's Rain or Shine
A True Ashgrove
(black/white)FinCh IntCh
Raccoons Quite A Bomb
(blue roan)USCh Ashgrove Captivating
(blue roan)SU(u)CH Manaca´s Alice in Chains
(blue roan)Stocdale American Prayer
(black/white)Manaca´s Chain Reaction
(blue roan)
Copyright © Manacas ~ Uppdated: 2010-05-20