Emmas and Folkes puppies were born on July 27. They got 7 puppies in red and blacks. 2 red boys, 1 black boy, 3 black bitches and 1 red bitch.
The pups are coming on very nicely, eating and sleeping all the time, just as they should be. Emma has been such a good mum, taking care of her babies like she's never done anything else before.We have been given the opportunity to lease Emma for a litter of puppies, from our dogsitter. We are very excited to have something by Emmas father "Sixten". Emma has a wonderful temperament and resembles a lot to her aunt Greta - M. Main Attraction and Sonja - M. Undesingned Dream. Those 3 ladies gets mixed up all the time when Emma is visiting us!
Emma has A-hips and eyes clear.Emma has several CKn at shows and she only needs one more 1:st prize at tracking for her championtitle.
We have chosen our gentle and beautiful Folke to be her mate, because we believe they complement each other very well.
Emma, headstudy - April 2008 >>>
Emmas pups 9 or 10 weeks old. There are still a few pups available in the litter.
Safe and Sound has already moved, so his photo is from 8 weeks old.
Manaca's Spick and Span - black male
owner: Louis Inés, France
Manaca's Soft Soaper - red male
owner: Judit Szcilagyi, kennel Fuzberki - Hungary
Manaca's Safe and Sound - red male (8weeks)
owner: Furtenbach family, Sweden"Castor"
Manaca's Sight for Sore Eyes - black bitch
Owner: Elisabeth Lennartsdotter, Kennel Fyrstjärnans, Sweden"Wera"
Manaca's Shifting Sands - red bitch
stays at Manaca's"Sanna"
Manaca's Shilly Shally - black bitch
ägare: Margret Harris, USA"Shilly"
Manaca's Swim or Sink - black bitch
ägare: Katarina Rodell, kennel Cockernest - Sweden"Esther"
Emmas pups 1 week old. They are growing up nicely...
Fader/Sire: SVCH
Manaca's Gets Ideas Going
(red)HD: C, optigen A
Woodman Black Petrs
HD:A, optigen ACRCH
Fuzberki Morvenny Back To Basic
(red)Olivia In Black Petrs
(black)SU(u)CH NUCH SVCH NORDV-06 Manaca´s Undesingned Dream
(black)HD:A, optigen: A, FN normal
Quettadene Lancelot
HD: B, optigen A (black)SU(u)CH DKUCH SVCH
Manaca´s In Your Dream
HD: A, optigen A (red)Moder/Dam: Amarula
(black)HD: A
Manaca's Mile Stone Corner
Manaca´s Yours Sincerely
(red)HD: B, optigen: A
SU(u)CH Manaca's Alice in Chains
HD: A (blue roan)Manaca's Hot Stuff
HD:AWaterwood the Diplomat
(red)Northworth Real Hot
HD: A (red)
Copyright © Manacas ~ Updated: 2010-05-20