SwShCh NCH SW-03 SVCH Manaca´s
On The Road - junior of the year 2003
April 22- 2002
A-hips and eyes clear. Hereditary optigen normal/clear (A) and FN normal
Otto, 5 years old.
"Otto" is a real "teddybear", just as kuddly and soft. He is just as happy who ever comes to visit.. as a pup he loved to get him selfdirty but that has changed (I´m happy for that...!). He loves to wrestle with his mother or his sister Gun... or play with the latest litter of pups...
Although... he has had a marvellous start to his showcarreer. Always as the winning male and with many BPOB and BPIS placements.
From the adultclasses he gained a total of 13 CC´s and many BOB, BOS and BIS & BOG places. He also has the title Swedish Winner-2003!! (see photo>)
He became Swedish showchampion with his 13:th and last CC in 2005Otto became swedish tracking champion in just 8 days, that should be a record!!Here Otto is photographed in Nov-2004 after he's been BOB & BOG-3 at Vaexjo International. >>Otto was top winning Junior of the year-2003!!
Otto´s got A-hips and eyes clear,
and is hereditary optigen normal,clear (A)!!
Otto has produced some excellent offspring around the world, see them at his litterpage.
Take a look at Ottos "litter page"Watch Otto grow...
Photo: Lillemor Böös
4 monthsPhoto: Maria Gudmunds
8 monthsPhoto: Marie Lore´
1 year
Otto with his daughter Manaca's Honey I'm Home
Fader/Sire: VDHCH DECh SU(u)Ch Midnight Train vom Rauhen Holz HD: A, optigen A |
LuxCh PortCh Dragon´s Sonata (black/white) |
Lynwater Tiger Moth
(blue roan) |
Lulu´s Back in Town from Duntarvie | ||
DECh VDHCh LuxCh DT Bsg-93-94 Eusg-94 Blue Pearl vom Rauhen Holz (blue roan) |
DECh VDHCh LuxCh Ramiro vom Rauhen Holz (blue roan) | |
Honka vom Rauhen Holz | ||
Moder/Dam: SU(u)CH
SVCH (red) HD: A, optigen A |
SU(u)Ch Manaca´s Yours Sincerely (red) |
IntCh AmCh FinCh JWW-94 WW-95-96-98 FinW-96 Northworth Madmans Return (black) |
NuCh Manaca´s Dancin´with the Blues (red) | ||
SU(u)Ch Manaca´s Alice in Chains (blue roan) |
Stocdale American Prayer (black/white) |
Manaca´s Chain Reaction (blue roan) |
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