Manaca's Peaches for Nothing
Ch Manaca's Yours Sincerely
Malin's got puppies by Walter. They were born on January 23.
Theese pups will the be ready to leave home in the end of March. There is 3 red bitches and 2 red males in this litter, see photos below.
Send me an e-mail if you're interested in a puppy from this litter.
Now the puppies are 6 weeks old, first time outside...
Manaca's Zilch For a Peach - bitch
owned by Marie Ostlund- kennel Brie-Maries
Manaca's Zoom Lens Object -bitch
owned by Manaca's kennels
Manaca's Zoomy Headers - bitch
owned by Marie Jonsson
Manaca's Zero Hour - male
own: Lena Hildeby
Manaca's Zip It Up - male
own: Evy Melander
the puppies
Fader/Sire: SU(u)CH Manaca´s Yours Sincerely
AmCh IntCh JWW-94 WW-95, 96, 98 Northworth Madmans Return
(black)GbShCh NuCh Spinneyhill Sadler (black) IntCh FinCh DkCh SpCh EUW-93 Northworth Vulgar Taste (black) NuCh Manaca´s Dancin´With the Blues
(red)NuCh Travis Go for the Gusto (red) SU(u)Ch NuCh Manaca´s Born to Rise n´Shine (black) Moder/Dam: Manaca´s Peaches for Nothing
SU(u)Ch Manaca's General Idea
(black & tan)Ch NW-99 Carillo Cover Print (blue roan)
Manaca´s Unchained Melody (black)
Manaca´s It Shows
(black)SU(u)CH Manaca´s Yours Sincerely (red)
SU(u)Ch Manaca's Alice in Chains (blue roan)
Copyright ©
Manacas ~ Uppdated: