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Lilly now has puppies by our Henry, and we are really looking forward to them grow up! The puppies were born on december 9:th and we have 2 orange boys, 1 blue boy, 1 blue girl and 1 orange girl. Lilly and Henry has had a litter together earlier but as there was only one puppy that time, who turned out very well, we awanted to repeat the mating.
Lilly also has had a litter earlier by our Alfred, which turned out really well, and Henry has sired some very promising offspring with various bitches.HERE THE PUPS ARE 7 or 8 WEEKS OLD:
(They have got names by David Bowie songs)
Manaca's Jump They Say, 8 weeks
blue roan male - spoken for"Bertil"
Manaca's Wild Is the Wind, 7 weeks
orange roan male - spoken for"Milo"
Manaca's Major Tom, 8 weeks
orange roan male - spoken for"Lumi"
Manaca's Blue Jean, 7 weeks
blue roan bitch - spoken forManaca's Jean Genie, 8 weeks
orange roan bitch - spoken for
Lillys pups 3 days old
Manaca's Gust of Wind(blue roan)
HD: A, prcdPRA & FN clearBillsor Kite Runner
(blue roan)
HD B, prcdPRA & FN clearVDH CH Jugend Champion
Marquell Ment To Be For Her
(blue roan)Holl Lux Ch
Billsor Feelinblue
(blue roan)SEU(u)CH
Manaca's Pull No Punches
(blue roan)
HD A, prcdPRA clearSEU(u)CH SEVCH SEV-03
Manaca's On the Road
(orange & white)
HD A, prcdPRA & FN clearSE U(u)CH SE VCH
Très Coquette vom Schloss Hellenstein
(blue roan)
HD: A, prcdPRA carrierModer/Dam:
Wilmerella Manacas RumoursHD:B, optigen & FN clear
(orange roan)
Terriles Taittinger
optigen & FN normal/clear
Sorbrook Bucks Fizz
(orange roan)Terriles Thesee of Fyawenydd
(blue roan)IRCH IRjunCH
Manaca's Laid Out in Lavender at Wilmerellaoptigen & FN normal/clear
Manaca's Beat About the Bush
(blue roan)SU(u)CH NUCH SVCH NV-09
Manaca's Cross Country
(orange roan)
Copyright©Manacas-2004 uppdated: