Manaca's Finger Lickin' Good |
SEU(u)CH Manaca's Gust of Wind |
Diana & Henrys puppies were born on may 6. All are boys, 2 orange roan and 3 blue roans. This is Dianas first litter but she is caring for them as she has never done anything else, she's such a good mum! Henry on the other hand, has sired a few litters and they are turning out really nice. Both Henry and Diana has very good temperaments and all health tests done.
Diana has so far only been to 2 shows. One as a puppy were she was BIS puppy and once in intermediate when she won her class and was 4:th best bitch with res. CAC!
Henry has been out some more. He was top winning junior- 2015 and gained his show champion title just after his 2:nd birthday!Here the pups are 8 weeks old:
Manaca's Havin' A Good Time - blue roan male
spoken for"Gutse"
Manaca's All Good and Wise - orange roan male
spoken forManaca's Good News - blue roan male
spoken for"Isak"
Manaca's Good For You - orange roan male
spoken for
Manaca's Feelin' Pretty Good - blue roan male
spoken for"Niko"
Here the gang is 2 days old
Manaca's Gust of Wind(blue roan)
HD: A, prcdPRA & FN normal/clearBillsor Kite Runner
(blue roan)
HD B, prcdPRA & FN clearVDH CH Jugend Champion
Marquell Ment To Be For Her
(blue roan)Holl Lux Ch
Billsor Feelinblue
(blue roan)SEU(u)CH
Manaca's Pull No Punches
(blue roan)
HD A, prcdPRA & FN clearSEU(u)CH SEVCH SEV-03
Manaca's On the Road
(orange & white)
HD A, prcdPRA & FN clearSE U(u)CH SE VCH
Très Coquette vom Schloss Hellenstein
(blue roan)
HD: A, prcdPRA carrierModer/Dam:
Manaca's Finger Lickin' Good
(blue roan & tan)
HD:B, optigen & FN clear
Westridge Sweet Need For Speed
(blue roan)
HD A, prcdPRA & FN clearSE U(u)CH
Charbonnel Blue n'Yellow
(blue roan)
HD: A, optigen & FN normal/clearAnemos After Dinner Sweet
(blue roan)
HD: A, optigen & FN normal/clearManaca's For All Time
(orange roan)
HD:A, optigen & FN clearSE U(u)CH SEVCH SE V-10
Manaca's Walk On the Wild Side
(orange roan)
HD: A, optigen normal/clearSE U(u)CH NOUCH SEVCH
Manaca's It's All In the Name
(blue roan)
HD:A, optigen & FN clear
Copyright©Manacas-2008 uppdated: 2016-07-16