SEU(u)CH Manaca's Georgia Rain
born: 2014-01-31
HD: B, eyes clear. prcdPRA & FN hereditary normal clear
Beata 2 years old. Here going BOS
Beata is the one I kept from Vanjas last litter. Of course because of her promising construction as a puppy, but also because of her unique colouring. She looks a bit like an English Setter with her spotted coat. She was only shown a few times as a puppy, when she was still nice. But after that she grew out of herself totally. I almost sold her a few times, that's how ugly she was! She stayed on mostly because she was such a pleasure to live with, with her soft but vivid mentality, getting along so well with everyone. Well, I'm glad now I had patience to wait for her. All of a sudden she just "grew back into herself" again, and reminded of what she had promised as a puppy!
She quite quickly gained all her CACs, and was made best bitch, got her championtitel and BOB at Ransater International, where she ever beat her successful kennelmate Lena!
Beata 1 year old
about 1 year in between first 2 photos... first junior and then 2 years. And
last going BOB and getting her championtitle at 2 years old!
Beata at her first show - BIS reserve, eonly beaten by our Henry!
5 weeks |
10 weeks |
1 year |
Manaca's Milk n'Toast and HoneyHD: A, prcdPRA & FN normal/clear
(orange & white)SE U(u)CH SEVCH SE V-10
Manaca's Walk On the Wild Side(orange roan)
HD: A, optigen normal/clear
SU(u)CH NUCH Travis Miles of Smiles
(blue roan)
HD: A, optigen normal/clearManaca's Honey I'm home
(orange & white) HD: AManaca's Strawberry Fields
(orange roan)
HD: A, optigen normal/clearNOUCH
Manaca's Dog Has it's Day
(blue roan)SU(u)CH NUCH JEUW-06 SVCH Bundessieger-09
Manaca's Bag of Beans
HD: B, optigen normal/clearModer/Dam:
Manaca's It's All In the NameHD:A, optigen & FN clear
(blue roan)AMCH
Ashgrove Brisbane
(blue roan)
HD: A, optigen AAMCH Daisymead's Playboy
(blue roan)
Ahsgrove Down Under SU(u)CH DKUCH SVCH
Manaca´s In Your Dream
(red) HD: A, optigen A, FN normalSw N DK ShCh VEUW-06 NW-05
Manaca´s Yours Sincerely
HD: B, optigene: ASU(u)CH Manaca´s Alice in Chains
(blue roan)
Copyright©Manacas-2004 uppdated: