Photos of some promising Walteroffspring
Grand Seugneur vom Schloss Hellenstein "Philip" born: 2004-02-12 HD: B,
optigen: A Mother:
Grüss Gott vom Schloss Hellenstein born: 2004-02-12
Mother: owner: Monika Bollinger, kennel vom Schloss Hellenstein, Tyskland
SU(u)Ch NUCH NV-05 Manaca's Main Attraction born: 02-02-26 Mor: SU(u)Ch Manaca's Alice in Chains owner: Monica Forsander, kennel Manaca's |
SU(u)Ch Manaca's In Your
Dream born: 00-07-06 Mother: SU(u)Ch Manaca's Alice in Chains owner: Monica Forsander, kennel Manaca's |
Northworth Red Drama 10 months old at the photo. Mother: Northworth Madam's Match HD: B own: Elin H Borgersen, kennel Skjertuns - Norway |
Ch Manaca's Zero Hour 15 months old at the photo Mother: Manaca's Peaches for Nothing CK from juniorclass |
Copyright © Monica Forsander ~ Uppdated: