Josåfin now has puppies by our Magnus. They were born on November 24. There is 1 range roan and 1 blue roan or black & white bory and 1 blue roan girl. Mum and babies are doing fine and Josofin are soo proud of her small ones!
A similar kombination has been done resently with excepionally good result, when we mated Josofins litterbrother to Magnus's litter sister (see that litter here).Here the puppies are 9 weeks old
Manaca's Needs No Introduction - black & white male
owners: Liisa Frantssi, kennel Caperhill
& Satu Utriainen, kennel Allways - FinlandManaca's No Harm No Foul - orange roan male
owner: Eva-Marie Rehn, BelgiumManaca's Nice as Ninepence - blue roan bitch
owner: Lena Lindgren, kennel Lelionaz"Tina"
Here they are 6 weeks old
Manaca's Needs No Introduction - black & white male
Sopken forManaca's No Harm No Foul - orange roan male
Spoken forManaca's Nice as Ninepence - blue roan bitch
Josofin proud with her first litter of pups, here 4 days old.
Manaca's Cutting Corners
(blue roan)HD: A
Eisbär vom Schloss Hellenstein
(blue roan)Dt.Ch
Brooksong Blue Suede Shoes
(blue roan)Nudeldicke Deern
vom Schloss Hellenstein
(orange roan)SU(u)CH
Manaca´s Alice in Chains
(blue roan)
HD: AStocdale American Prayer
(black/white)Manaca´s Chain Reaction
(blue roan)Moder/Dam: SU(u)CH NUCH SVCH JEUW-06
Manaca´s Bag of Beans
(orange roan)HD: B, optigen A
Travis Vital Spark
(blue roan)NUCH Tomboys Tailor Made
(blue roan)Travis Neon Light
(black & tan)
Manaca´s Rain or Shine
(black/white)HD:A, optigen: A
Northworth A True Ashgrove
(black/white)SU(u)CH Manaca´s Alice in Chains
(blue roan)
Copyright © Manacas ~ Uppdated: 2010-05-20