~ SUMMARY OF 2006 ~
We can look back on a year full of wonderful moments both in the showring and in the forest. A year with many memorable moments around the world together with friends, new and old ones.
They say that a kennels strenght lays in it's bitches and we are proud to present 5 different BOB and/or BOS winners during this year. Of our 9 adult bitches at home, 8 are showchampions. 8 of our bitches are trackingchampions.
Summary for 2006 at Manaca's is:
Veteran of the year, Junior of the year, 3:rd, 4:th and 8:th junior of the year, runner up cocker of the year, 16 x BOB, 12 x BOS, 29 CAC's, 8 groupplacings with 4 different dogs at National and International shows, 3 different juniorwinners, 1 europeanveteranwinner, 4 dogs qualified to Cruft's and 13 trackingchampions!! We are so pleased and proud of all dogs that made this possible!Of course our summary of the year has to start with our old guy, Walter - SU(u)Ch NUCH NV-05 VEUW-06 Manaca's Yours Sincerely, who turned 9 years old on December 28. Walter who loves to go to shows, not only to show off but also the grooming and bathing before the show. He's jumping like a puppy by the bath and thenfalls asleep while he's beeing dryed and groomed, loving the attention. He has this year been BOB veteran 21 times out of 27 (and BIS placed 9 times), at the rest of the shows he was BOS veteran. At theese shows he has been BOB totally and BOG and/or BIS placed at 6 of theese. That's incrediable for an old guy who this year was:
European Veteran Winner-2006 and qualifiedto Cruft's. He was Runner up COCKER OF THE YEAR and for the second time VETERAN OF THE YEAR !!! This is the first time the same dog gets this award twice!
Clara - SU(u)Ch NUCh SVCH Manaca's Rain or Shine, who has had a mixed year... she was our first champion 2006 and in June she was with me in Drammen in Norway were she was BOS and became Norwegian show champion. During the spring and summer she was best bitch a several times. We had plans on showing her this year since she was climbing fast on the toplist, but a piece of a teddybear stopped our plans. Instead she was operated and had to stay home as a convalescent. During the time she had to stay home to get her beautiful coat back, she completed her tracking merits instead and finnished her tracking champion title!
Sonja - SU(u)Ch NUCH NORDV-06 SVCH Manaca's Undesingned Dream, was our second champion this year.Last CAC was taken in february, only 6 days after her second birthday! After that she was mated and stayed home nursing 5 puppies. Then in November she followed me to Hamar in Norway and attended the Nordic winner show. She was awarded BOB by breed specialist Sandy Platt and by this gained the Norwegian show champion title and also the Nordic winner-2006 title! Only a few days after that sensation she was out finnishing her last merit for the tracking title and became Swedish tracking champion!!
Our German import Rebecka - Très Coquette vom Schloss Hellenstein, who came home to us in July, really showed that she was worth the waiting for... Besides a wonderful temperament with a lot of cest to life, she has gone from clarity to clarity in the showring. She was on her first show, on her way home from Germany, BIS puppy! After only a short time in juniorclass she ended up as 3:rd top winning junior of the year. She has from juniorclass already got 3 CAC's, 1 BOB & BOG-4 and 1 BOS. She also passed her abilitytest in tracking!
Another bitch who has been successful during 2006 is our darling Josofin - JEUW-06 SVCH Manaca´s Bag of Beans, who had a lot of fun in the puppyring with a lot of BOB's and BIS's. In the beginning of her juniortime all of a sudde everything was scary, but we kept on showing her, just to get her "back in business"... this gave result just in time for the European winner show where she suddenly showed of like never before and brought home the European junior winnertitle 2006 and also a qualification to Cruft's! The luck kept on and Jossan was out picking home 3 CAC's and 1 x BOS from juniorclass. She ended up as 4:th top winning junior and she also proved to be a nature in tracking, taking home her tracking champion title with 3 straight 1:st prices with a honorary price!
Our wonderful Greta - SU(u)Ch NUCH NV-05 SVCH Manaca's Main Attraction, should also be mentioned, even though she's only been to shows a couple of times this year. During springtime she was home nursing her litter of 5 and then followed one of the pups on his trip to Germany. On our way home we attended a show where Greta was BOS and gained both the Club CAC and the VDH CAC! 1 week later she was BOB at Högbo International!! During the fall she completed her Trackingchampiontitle. As a last merit to the list she was picked out amongst over a hundred cockers and was placed as 4:th best bitch at Stockholm International!
We are also proud of our breeding, Colin - JEUW-06 SV-06 Manaca's Beat About the Bush, who had a fantastic year in the rings, resulting in Junior of the year-2006, top winning partimale, 10 CAC's by 10 different judges, Eoropean junior winner, Swedish winner, 5:th cocker of the year and qualified for Cruft's twice! Great thanks to his devoted owner, Yvette Widenor for bringing him to theese hights!
"Otto" - Ch Manaca's On the Road got an anwarschaft and was SVCH!
"Nemo" - Ch Manaca's General Idea was SVCH
Malena - M. Cross Country got 1 CAC and was SVCH!
Ragnar - Almanza Hit the Road Jack got a CAC in Sweden and CAC and groupwin in Finland!
Copyright © Manacas ~ Uppdated: 2010-05-20