Gunsan and Magnus got their litter . The pups were born on May 29:th. There are 2 georgeous looking boys, 1 orange roan and 1 blue roan. This is Magus's first litter but Gunsan has earlier had 2 litters of puppies, with high quality both in temperament and exterior.
Both Gunsan and Magnus has A hips and eyes clear.Here the boys are 8 weeks old.
Manaca's Kingsize Kidney Bean - orange roan male
owner: Maria Lindell, Älmhult-Sweden"Mio"
Manaca's Kingsize Kick Off - blue roan male
own: Anna-Eva Edwards, Norway"Nino"
Gunsan is so cute with her pups, she collecting all kinds of stuff for them to
play with, here a teddybear and the remote control!!
Guns puppyboys newborn.
Fader/Sire: Manaca's Cutting Corners
(blue roan)HD: A
Eisbär vom Schloss Hellenstein
(blue roan)
HD: ASh. CH Cilleine Echelon
(blue roan)Laicsyde Centrefold of Brooksong
(blue roan)SU(u)CH Manaca´s Alice in Chains
(blue roan)
HD: AStocdale American Prayer
(black/white)Manaca's Chain Reaction
(blue roan)Moder/Dam: SU(u)CH SVCH
Manaca´s Oops I Did it Again
(orange roan)HD: A, hereditary optigen A
Midnight Train vom Rauhen Holz
(blue roan)
HD:A, Optigen ACh Stocdale Dragons Sonata
(black/white)Ch Blue Pearl vom Rauhen Holz
(blue roan)SU(u)Ch SVCH
Manaca´s In Your Dream
HD:A, Optigen ASU(u)Ch NUCH NV-05 VEUW-06 Manaca's Yours Sincerely
(red)SU(u)CH Manaca´s Alice in Chains
(blue roan)
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Manacas ~ Uppdated: