SwShCh NUCH SVCH Manaca´s Rain or Shine
born: May 17 - 2003
Hips: A, eyes clear, optigene: normal/clear (A)
13 months old at the proto
"Clara" is our first black & white, a colour I never thought I´ll have, but now I´m totally devoted to it! She is a very calm and harmonic puppy and is bestfriends with our little dachshund, learning her how to become a Cocker!
She made her debut in the showring where she became BPIS-3!
She ended her time in puppyclass by becoming BPIS-4!
She had a successful time in juniorclass where she got her first CC. The year 2006 started with a CC in january and a second one in february, wich made her Swedish showchampion, only 2,5 years old!! see photo below at right.
At her first and only show in Norway she got CAC, CACIB and was BOS. Thereby she became Norwegian show champion.Clara is also a trackingchampion and she's one of my dogs with an honorary price from there, wich is difficult to get. She gained her title from 3 straight trackingtests!
Clara's got A-hips and eyes clear. optigene: normal/clear (A)!!
Watch her grow....
7½ week old 4 months old 8 months old
Northworth (blue roan) |
FinCh IntCh Raccoons Quite A Bomb (blue roan) |
Yolandas Spokesman (blue roan |
Raccoon´s Believe in Me | ||
USCh Ashgrove Captivating (blue roan) |
USCh Kedgewick Kaptivator | |
Ashgrove Down Under | ||
Moder/Dam: SU(u)CH Manaca´s Alice in Chains (blue roan) |
Stocdale American
Prayer (black/white) |
PortCh Lynwater
Tiger Moth (blue roan) |
Lara De Campollano | ||
Manaca´s Chain
Reaction (blue roan) |
DkCh NuCh NW-93 SW-93 NordW-95 Carillo Chubby Checker (blue roan) | |
Northworth Leisure
Maid (black) |
Manacas-2003 uppdaterad: