Photos from the Clubshow - 2005 at Skokloster (128 entr)

Judges, Males & BOB: Mr Andrew Jones, kennel Shenmore
Bitches & puppies: Mrs Margareth Struthers, kennel Daydawn

Puppies 4-6 months
BOB & BIS-reserve:
Manaca's Zoom Lens Object
BOS: Manaca's Zero Hour (owned by Lena Hildeby)

Ch Manaca's Peeping Tom (owned by Yvette Widenor)
BIS-reserve: Cockados Sweet Thing (owned by Gunnel Adolfsson-Lundgren)

Best homebred
Ch Manaca's Main Attraction
BIS-reserve: Paisley's Night Watchman (owned by AnnKristin Nyman)

Best In Show
Ch Claramand Again and Again (owned by Madeleine Ivarsson)
BOS & BIS-reserve: Ch Manaca's Main Attraction

                                                                                                  photo: Anna Johansson
Last round in the BIS final....

                                                                photo: Anna Johansson
Walter - Ch Manaca's Yours Sincerely came in 2:nd in veteranclass with CK

Alice, Manaca's Hot Stuff ended up at 6:th place in open class with CK
(owned by Marie Larsson)

Wayne, Ch Manaca's Path Finder being examined by the judge...
he ended up as 4:th best championmale
(owned by Maria Aslund)


Copyright © Manacas ~ Uppdaterad: 2010-05-20